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Sunday 1 September 2013

Home remedies for constipation


Contipation is a very painful and enbarassing condition that affects many people on a daily basis therefore many people dont like to talk about it. Constipation leads to abdominal pain and infrequent bowel movements.


Causes Of Constipation

  • Inadequate water intake
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Eating large amount of dairy products
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet

Natural Home Remedies For Constipation

1. Boil 8 leaves of basil leaves (tulsi) and mint leaves in water and drink it. This gives great relief from indigestion.

2. Take one tsp of amla powder with warm water on empty stomach in early morning to avoid constipation.

3. Oranges are not only a source of Vitamin C but also have a large amount
of fiber. Eating two oranges once in the morning and once in the evening can provide great relief from constiaption.

4. Peel one apple into small pieces. Boil apple pieces into half cup of water.
Mash it and cool it down in refrigerator. eat this frist in the morning for one month.
5. Have 100 ml of spinach juice mixed with equal quantity of water twice a day.

Natural Tips For Constipation

1. Do not ever avoid nature's call. If you do so you you're asking for the case of constpation.

2. Intake plenty of water regularly.

3. Include dietary fibres to you diet like grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. Tickle at your abdominal skin by running your fingers very lightly.

5. Put a wet towel on the stomach covered by dry towel for one to two hours.
This will help in constipation.

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