High Blood Pressure
Nutrient and oxygen rich blood is transported to all the parts of the body. Heart pumps out blood with some pressure so that it can reach the extremes. Blood Pressure is the measure of the force of the blood pushing against blood vessel walls. For any reason if the blood pressure stays for an extend time
it is called as High Blood pressure. High Blood Pressure is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke and other health problems. Blood pressure doesnt remains same all the time. It lowers when you
sleep and rises when you are excited or nervous.
Causes Of High Blood Pressure:
- Smoking
- Being Overweight or obese
- Lack of physical activity
- Too much salt in the diet
- Daily Consumption of Alcohol
- Stress
Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure
1) It is advisable for the patients with high blood pressure to adopt a salt
restricted diet. Uncooked or table salt must be completely avoided. They
may adopt an oil free diet. Instead of opting for seasoning in salt seasoning
in pepper may be a better option.
2) Take two spoons of dried watermelon seeds, crush them gently before adding them in a cup of boiled water. steep it around for half an hour. Then strain it
and take four table spoons of this water at regular intervals in a day.
3) Mint leaves contribute significantly to reduce blood pressure. Powdered form
of dried mint leaves must be taken twice a day to reduce high blood
4) Those suffering from mild hyper tension must eat cayenne pepper. this is one such ingredient that can help to smooth blood flow.