the jaws that is caused by tooth decay, dental cavities, exposed tooth rot, gum disease and so on. the pain usually starts suddenly and it can vary from mild discomfort to severe. The pain from a toothache may radiate extending from the cheek, ears and jaw.
Causes Of Toothache:
toothache occurs when the innermost layer of the tooth called dental pulp becomes inflamed. It can happen because of following reasons.
- Tooth decay that leads to cavity forming in the hard surface of the totth.
- A cracked tooth - the crack is often so small that its difficult for us to see.
- loose or broken fillings.
- Ulcers on your gums
- Sore or swollen gums
A toothache home remedy is preferrable to making a dental appointment when you want immediate relief.
Home Remedies For Toothache
1) Cloves or clove oil is a great natural home remedy for toothache. Clove Oil possesses numbing properties that numbs the nerve endings temporarily. Small amount of clove oil soaked in a cotton swab can be kept on the affected tooth to get relief from the tooth ache.
2) Alcohol is a very effective desensitizing agent. It can be used to get temporary relief from toothache but it should not be used directly on the mouth. An alcohol based mouth wash can be used to solve the purpose.
3) Garlic is amongst the most effective home remedies for toothache. Just place a clove of garlic with a pinch of rock salt on the affected tooth and see the magic. also it is recommended to have a garlic clove on a daily basis.
4) Onion is another useful remedy for toothache. It may give bad odour temporarily but very beneficial for dental hygiene. Chewing raw onion for three to four minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs. Toothache can be often cured by placing a small piece of onion on the decayed tooth.
5) Take some Carom (Ajwain) seeds in warm water and boil them. Rinsing with this warm water helps in treating tooth ache.
6) Put an ice cube on the affected area and compress. It helps to get out of the pain feeling instantly.
3) Garlic is amongst the most effective home remedies for toothache. Just place a clove of garlic with a pinch of rock salt on the affected tooth and see the magic. also it is recommended to have a garlic clove on a daily basis.
4) Onion is another useful remedy for toothache. It may give bad odour temporarily but very beneficial for dental hygiene. Chewing raw onion for three to four minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs. Toothache can be often cured by placing a small piece of onion on the decayed tooth.
5) Take some Carom (Ajwain) seeds in warm water and boil them. Rinsing with this warm water helps in treating tooth ache.
6) Put an ice cube on the affected area and compress. It helps to get out of the pain feeling instantly.
Prevention Tips For Toothache
1) Make it a habit to brush your teeth twice a day.
2) Avoid eating large amount of sugary foods and snacks especially at night.
3) Floss your teeth daily to get rid of plaque build up.
4) Chew sugar free gum to stimulate the flow of saliva.
5) Take nutritional diet to make your gums and tooth strong and healthy for lifetime.