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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

How to Cure Dandruff


Tired of feeling embarrassed in front of your friends and colleagues because of the white stuff on your shirt.  Dandruff takes place when the dead skin cells shed from the scalp. This problem generally takes place during the winters due to the use of warm water on the scalp. It is not a life threatening condition but it may irritate your skin.It is also the cause for hair fall, premature greying of hair and acne on the scalp. Natural home remedies fro dandruff do not only cure the dandruff problem but 
also give nourishment to the hair and prevent hairfall
and other related problems.

Common Reasons for dandruff

  1. Hormonal imbalance
  2. Use Of warm water
  3. Insufficient intake of nutritious diet
  4. Stress
  5. Excessive use of harmful hair products
  6. Lack of sleep

Remedies To Cure Dandruff

1.  Soak two handfull of neem leaves into five cups of hot water overnight.  
     Strain this water next day and rinse your hair with this water.

2.  Amla is always used for conditioning but it also helps in reducing dandruff. 
     Make a paste of amla in water. along with this make a paste of 10 tulsi 
     leaves with a little water and mix this paste into the amla paste and apply 
     on the scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash with water.

3.  Here is the most effective remedy for dandruff. Mix 1 tbsp. of lemon juice   
     with 5 tbsp. of coconut oil, Apply this to the scalp overnight and rinse with
     anti dandruff shampoo in morning.

4.  Fenugreek seeds are the best remedy to cure dandruff. Soak a fistful of 
     these seeds overnight and make a coarse paste of them and apply it on the 
     scalp. Let the paste be on the scalp for at least two hours and then   
     shampoo your hair.

5.  One another full proof remedy to cure dandruff is hibiscus leaves paste. It
    is a wonderful treatment and improves the texture of hair too. Grind some 
    hibiscus leaves and apply the paste onto your scalp for 30 minutes. Rinse it 
    off with shikakai.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Dandruff:

* Message your hair with olive oil at least twice a week. Apply lukewarm olive  
   oil in the roots gently, leave it overnight and shampoo your hair next day.

* To help prevent dandruff, brush your hair after shampoo or shower.

* Avoid stress and stressful situations

* Dandruff can be prevented by washing your hair regularly or at every 
    alternate day.

* Use vinegar as a conditioner  after shampooing the hair. Take one part of 
   vinegar and one part of water and rinse your hair with it.

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