
Again the sun tanning, headache and sunstroke due to the excessive heat and the list goes on. The only thing we want is to sit and relax in our air conditioned rooms while the temperature is out to set new records. But this is not possible for everyone. Moreover there's a solution for every thing so why to sit back and be scared from it. The major problem faced during summers is SUNSTROKE which results in headache , feeling of giddiness, vomiting and sometimes disturbed stomach. Outdoor walkers, children and people working in open fields can be the victims of this very easily. In this the body generally gets dehydrated due to inadequate supply of water.
Natural Remedies To cure Sunstroke
1. Onion
* Lay down the patient on the back and apply onion paste on forehead.
* Applying a mixture of roasted onion with sugar and cumin seeds behind the
ears and chest also helps to control sunstroke.
* Eating onion as salad regularly during summers is the easiest way to avoid
2. Mango Pana
* This is that traditional remedy for sunstroke which is being usually suggested
by everyone and can be very easily made at home. In case anyone doesn't
know then here's the recipe to make it easy for you. Boil some unripe
mangoes and sieve them properly. Cool it and add little sugar, black salt,
roasted cumin powder, black pepper powder and salt to taste.
3. Basil leaves
* Drinking Basil leaves' juice is one of the effective remedy to cure sunstroke
instantly. Extract the juice of basil/Tulsi leaves and mix sugar in it. Tulsi plant
is that traditional plant which has various medicinal values
Tips To Avoid Sunstroke
* The most important measure to avoid sunstroke is to avoid becoming
dehydrated and avoid vigorous physical activities.
* Take fresh juices like sugarcane and mix fruit juice to hydrate the body.
* Sunstroke can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and avoiding over
taxing the body in hot weather.
* Use umbrella in intense summer to prevent sunstroke.